This is the archived Fall 2013 version of the course.
For the most recent version, see

Class 20: Crossing into Kernel Space

Action Items

Alexis Ohanian's talk at UVa: Rouss/Robertson Hall, Friday 8:00pm

You should definitely have your project team and idea settled by the end of this week. Dave has office hours Friday, 3:30pm-4:30pm, if you want to discuss your ideas.

System Calls

Why is it necessary to do something special to make a call into the kernel?

What special privileges does fork need?


Why do modern processors have more than one Programmable Interrupt Controller (PIC)?

Intel x86 Manuals (see page 2213 for the APIC diagram)

Why does it cost hundreds of millions of dollars to design a new processor?

Benchmarking PS3

Congratulations to the web server bake-off winners!

Lowest Total Duration: Kiet Tran, Mark Cheung, Tanmoy Barua
Fastest Average Response: Chris McFarland, Tong Niu, Yicheng Liang
Best Duration/Response: Harriet Cao, Kevin Edelmann, Zeming Lin
Honorable Mention: Hong Moon, Jireh Miaw, Marshall Main