Exam 2 has been postponed until after Spring Break (schedule to be announced later). If you follow a hard real-time scheduling policy, though, you can elect to do the exam according to the original schedule. If you want to do this, let me know by Friday (28 Feb).
The OSTEP book covers scheduling in these sections:
- 7. Scheduling: Introduction
- 8. Scheduling: The Multi-Level Feedback Queue
- 9. Scheduling: Proportional Share (Lottery Scheduling)
- 10. Multiprocessor Scheduling
These provide a lot more detail on several of the scheduling policies we discuss in class, as well as several policies we didn't cover in class. You are not expected to know details of other scheduling policies beyond what we discuss in class and what you explore in PS3, but you should find these sections well worth reading.
The Shortest Job First and Shortest Time-to-Completion First policies described in Section 7 are similar to the SRPT policy you are implementing for PS3 Problem 5 (you should consider which one of these is closer to what you should do for PS3).
Scheduling Recap
When is planned scheduling used?
What is a hard real-time system?
Scheduling Strategies
First Come, First Served (FIFO): processes run to completion, in the order they are started.
Round-Robin: each process gets to run for a given time slice (or until it finishes or is blocked).
What are the advantages and disadvantages of Round-Robin scheduling compred to First Come, First Served?
Exploring Processes and Priorities
What does the priority of a process mean?
Try this: ps -w -e -o pri,pid,pcpu,vsz,cputime,command | sort -n -r --key=5 | sort --stable -n --key=1
Preemptive Priority Scheduling
- Always run the highest priority process that is ready to run
- Round-robin schedule among equally high, ready to run, highest-priority processes
What are the advantages and disadvantages of preemptive priority scheduling?
What really happened on Mars? Glen Reeve's account
Is priority inheritance a good solution?
Lottery Scheduling
Carl Waldspurger's PhD dissertation: Lottery and Stride Scheduling: Flexible Proportional-Share Resource Management (If you are considering going to grad school and want a good model of what a PhD involves, this is the best example I know of a dissertation worth reading.)
Stride Scheduling
What are the advantages of stride scheduling over lottery scheduling?